Self-evolution, co-creation and PiMov - can I ask more? PiMovjeannettemeierOctober 6, 2019My JourneyComment
My experience as a non-fitting social entrepreneur PiMovjeannettemeierSeptember 30, 2019My JourneyComment
I am a socially-conscious change maker who’s dancing with others like me PiMovjeannettemeierJuly 27, 2019My JourneyComment
Just joined the CAPTIVATE program to improve storytelling! PiMovjeannettemeierJuly 7, 2019My JourneyComment
Entrevista con Aura Elena Sanchez - AES Branding | PiMov inspiration, PiMovjeannettemeierJune 14, 2019interviewsComment
Bea Grubenthal - 5 Steps to Positive Impacts inspiration, PiMovjeannettemeierJune 1, 2019interviewsComment