Letting go
I mentioned to Ruben last Friday that I needed to let go of some mental thoughts that were keeping me attached, because I know that I am in service for what has to be created and what has to be created doesn’t belong to me.
Ruben and I are in constant and transparent communication and collaboration, which is key to any relationship and to what we’re co-creating: the Positive Impact Movement.
My story up until now has been around how I created the movement, why I did so and what I wanted to solve with it. However:
PiMOV has NOT been created by me, it’s an organic movement that is co-created by all the ones who belong to this beautiful, empowering, collaborative and evolutionary community.
Why I did what I did persists, but the WHY will continue evolving as I continue exploring the framework that Ruben has brought to PiMOV. As we go ahead, collaboratively evolving, I continue discovering that my vision is not even a glimpse of what it is to become. This is so exciting for me!
PiMOV is not a solution to any problem. We are co-creating a movement that is evolution-driven, as we socially-conscious change makers are. The movement continues evolving as each of us members will continue evolving, individually and collectively, to become what we’re meant to become.
I am letting go of the feeling that I am the one who has created the movement. I am letting go of everything this entails, because I am here to co-create and evolve with others by learning the lessons that will allow us to become what we’re meant to become through the projects we create with love and this amazing community of like-minded others who’s intentions are aligned towards collaboration and positive impact.
With love, JEM