The Power of Being that you are
Evgeni Tcherkasski @unsplash
Love in you, love through you
Light that shines through you
From the heart to the world
Your Power of Being projects outward
When you reflect inward
The truth that you are.
No mascaras, no facades
Just your being from what you are
Tapping into the center
Listening to your heart
Coming into live through your love
For who you are and what you create.
Light that shines, not outside but inside
A lighthouse for yourself and others
No need for anything else
Just being in love and in togetherness
Shining through your being
To enlighten the world around you.
Standing calm
Lighting the storm around
In peace and love for what you are
No matter the heavy rain and the high waves
Always in calm with your light on
For you to be guided into your being.
The Power of Being that you are
In your uniqueness and solitude
Standing in light for yourself
Inspiring and empowering
Collaborating for a better future
Through who you are and what you create.
With love, JEM