The Potential of Connecting to the Heart
Alexandru Acea @unsplash
Let the storm rise outside you
Keep calm and in peace inside you
Don’t let the world steer you up
That is what is wanted
For you to react to the outside.
Let the world continue
Let the acts flow their scripts
Let the actors do their work
Do not join the play
For it is not you to die for them.
Stay in your center
You’ll be pushed left and right
It is up to you to stay where you are
In your responsibility for your own self
In safety for your freedom to be.
Don’t play the game that is not yours
Stay resilient to your truth
Respect others with their acts
It is not you standing on their feet
Let them experience their own truth.
The world continues turning
Stay connected to your heart
Light up for others to calm with you
No words, no play are needed
For you to transform what is around you.
Don’t play the game
For it requires to follow the same instructions
It is not meant for you to fall into the pit
Even if everybody is playing
Stay in your center for everybody to discover
The potential of connecting to the heart.
With love, JEM