Be you in this World that needs you
You are dissolving the boundaries
You are breaking through the darkness
You are giving birth to a new world
The world for you to thrive and expand
To be who you are in freedom and safety.
No more fear, no more lies
No more fake numbers and news
No more puppeteers with puppets
The world is showing you everything
For you to chose and decide to live in truth.
Truth for what there was
Truth for what there is
Truth for what there will be
The world that permits you to chose in freedom
For you to experience and expand with who you are.
This world is in you
Don’t wait for others to tell you this
Live in freedom to be who you are
Expand in safety for what you create
Shine throughout darkness with your light.
Light outshines darkness
Light expands infinitely
Light enlightens others
Just be you in this world that needs you
For you to shine your light.
No need to do more
No need to fight
No need to fear what there is not
Just be you in this world knowing what there is
For you to outshine through who you are.
With love, JEM