The Anchor is in You
Pascal Debrunners @unsplash
Today you don’t know what’s going to unfold next
Day to day you are being pushed away from your patterns
Patterns of doing, of beliefs, of thought
The world is pushing you around
The mind goes from here to there, from there to here
It seems there’s no control
You are losing your north
You don’t know where to strand.
Look inside! You’ll find the sea and sun
In calmness for you to anchor
Wherever you feel, there’s always a place
Don’t reach for the anchor outside
The turmoil is too big
Patterns are being dismantled
For you to find your inner-peace
Where it always has been.
No matter the outside,
The inside is calm, warm and welcoming
For you to grow inside-out
To overcome any storm
With peace and love for yourself
And everybody around you
Just following your north
Travelling this world with anchor.
Discovering the beauty of change
New possibilities emerge
Always observing the horizon
Anchored in the sea of love and light
In integrity and respect for who you are
And for those around you.
With love, JEM