Stand-up taller
Thank you @pixabay
If you feel something failed
If you feel it is not right
Stand up and continue your walk
For it wasn’t its time to be.
Never think you’ve failed
Never let go of your dreams
Life just told you it’s not the time yet
It’ll be one day, trust the it’ll be.
Let your steps create your path
Stay present in the now and here
Walk with passion every step
For you to discover the gifts of life.
Standing up makes you stronger
Don’t give up and do not expect
Life will always show you the way
If you stay present in your being.
One day you’ll discover
That there, where you once slipped
Is now where you thrive
With the lessons that you carry with you.
Before, it wasn’t the time
Today, it is with love and purpose
Never dreamed it this way
For it now has the knowledge in you.
With lots of love, JEM