Thank you @unsplashed
Freedom is Love, it is Truth, it is Peace, it is Creativity, it is Uniqueness, and it is Oneness.
It is living in the present, from the inside-out; It is having no expectations, nor goals; It is being and sharing who you are, no matter what; It is loving and valuing yourself, in dignity and in integrity; It is exploring growth, individually and in togetherness; It is expanding through uniqueness and Oneness with love for everything and everyone; It is knowing you don't know anything, and all is so beautifully perfect in the here and now!
You are in responsibility to continue creating yourself and through it, co-creating the world in togetherness. Freedom is the source of this creativity. It is the expansion of love and union, through each of the individuals. It cannot be taken away. For freedom will forever stay in those who have discovered it through their Power of Being.
Freedom is you. Once felt, there's no way back. You know it is your existence, you know it is you. You are freedom.
There’s no greater force of existence than freedom.
This is what strives me every day, no matter what. This has become my purpose, this is me. I cannot divide from it anymore, it is part of who I am, it is who I am.
👉 What is freedom for you?
This world needs you to get organised with like-minded others to share your being, your vision, your project, to potentiate Positive iMPACT and limitless abundance for everyone.
With lots of love, JEM