Change starts from within
Thank you @unsplash
What do you feel today?
Where do these emotions come from?
Are these the result of your thoughts?
Who’s controlling you?
Is it your mind or is it your heart?
If it’s your mind
Your thoughts are pushing you around
Someone to blame for how you feel
Other than yourself for what you think
Or are you taking it on you?
No matter what has happened
You are still blaming yourself
For what has already been
Just change the story and amend
For you to free yourself from yourself.
No one bothers other than you
Your thoughts and actions are yours only
No one can see what you see and feel
Loosen up and enjoy the journey
For you to thrive in freedom to be.
Your heart is your center
Positive emotions spread out from it
Into your mind and into the world
If you focus your attention to it
For you to experience the love that you are.
No matter how you feel today
Switch into your heart instead of your mind
Change starts from within
Just with this simple shift
For you to expand your love from who you are.
With love, JEM