Being over Doing


I just finished reading the book "Dying to be me" by Anita Moorjani.

Actually, I read it in a few hours!

This book completely resonates with my being, with who I am and what I am.

While I was reading it, I kept thinking how I did come to act by being over doing, in how I managed to get to the very similar conclusions without having to extremely suffer as Anita did with her cancer. I kept thanking the Universe for such a great awareness. I also thanked the experience I had when I fainted when I was 16 years old. I felt much of this awareness, the Oneness and the immense unconditional love that Anita explains in her book. In my case it did not last much, but it was enough to know that life goes beyond Earth.

Life is much more of what is shown or taught to us through religion, believes, etc. 

We are magnificent beings. 

I never forgot this experience and I consider it was critical for me to change my life at 33.

I always say that life is simple if we manage to totally live it with who we are, centred in being and enjoying life. It's fluid and it's packed of so many wonderful moments.

Throughout the early stages of my life until I was 33, I've been very critical with who I was. I came to loose myself just wanting to please others, I did not even know what I wanted in my day to day. I felt lost, not connected to myself.

But the Universe is incredible wise and it shows us our way around to find ourselves.

I woke up one day and followed my intuition changing my life completely, and specially, my believes, attitude and thoughts towards me.

I kept thanking myself for the courageous moves I made, I started to be proud of myself living my life being respectful to who I am and what I am.

At this point of time, I am still learning to stay centred and to follow my life's purpose.

I am learning to allow and let go.

I believe in my feelings and in my intuition, I trust myself because nothing has shown me better than my own inner voice.

I love life and people who surround me. I share love whenever I can, because for me it's part of who I am.

I love being love, and I totally understand Anita for it. It feels incredible healthy and beautiful.

I know I've much more to learn to stay in my personal path, but I am really grateful for what I have managed up until now.

I am who I am. I am as I am.