jeannette meier

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VLOG: Who I am and what I am co-creating and why

I am a Socially-Conscious Change Maker who is living by example in integrity and dignity to Who I Am.

I am evolving and iMPACTING through what I am co-creating with others like me: the Positive iMPACT Movement (PiMOV).

I am co-creating a movement in which we can safely and authentically be ourselves, supporting our EXPANSION through our individual and common evolution and EXPERIENCING our iMPACT and Socially-Conscious Leadership through what we are creating in collaboration.

Join me and others like me in this spiralling quest of Positive iMPACT and Socially-Conscious Leadership.

Go to and request to join! I will be happy to meet you and co-create with you!

With lots of love, JEM

#powerofbeing #togetherwearelimitless