Learn to listen to your heart where wisdom, freedom, and truth reside


i guide you in uncovering your uniqueness and true potential by listening to your heart and connecting to who you are and creating what you love

Join me in One-on-One Expansive Counseling



As a self-leader with a Ph.D. in Philosophy, specializing in Conscious-Centered Living, i am an Intuitive Counselor


i help Managers, Entrepreneurs, and Coaches catalyze their true potential. Guiding them into a place where they don’t waste time and money, or lose themselves in things that don’t matter, or live in fear of failure and financial struggle, or sacrifice their freedom, they become their own gurus and positively impact others with what they love to create


Be who you are!

Innovation is born from uniqueness and only by connecting with your heart and freedom to be yourself


Uncover Your Power of Being

Do not search for change outside of yourself

Reclaim your power through your unique authenticity

When you radiate your unique brilliance, you can change the world

Join me in one-on-one conversations to expand into your true potential

Grow into who you already are to live in your passion and effect change by expressing love

i inspire and empower you to co-create the New Earth through love, uniqueness, and freedom of being


i envision a world led by people who are their own leaders, who grow their uniqueness, and who share their wisdom and truth through who they are and what they love to create, changing the world from the inside out and for whom co-creation is the portal to their true potential

#powerofbeing #togetherwearelimitless #truepotential #leadership


Join me in Co-Creation

Start co-creating the New Earth through love, uniqueness, and freedom to be


Heart-to-Heart Conversations and Podcasts

Join me in co-creation with these expansive one-on-one conversations that reflect who you already are and what you love to create

i co-create with you, dancing in the harmony of giving and receiving, nurturing each other through the heart, and creating relationships that grow you


My Podcasts



 Posts for Inspiration


“Love is the energy, the being, the perception, the isness, that will change our reality and return us to paradise. We only have to open our hearts and live what they tell us to live.” ~ David Icke


My values are freedom, love, uniqueness, co-creation, integrity, humility, responsibility, service, and truth


More Inspiring Posts

Support me in planting the seeds of true leadership potential through co-creation

i cannot thank you enough for this


