jeannette meier

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PiMOV Pill: What do you see when you look at yourself in the mirror?

I've created the Positive iMPACT Movement because I see this limitless potential in the human-beings that I call Power of Being - freedom to be who you are and create what you love. I believe that connecting like-minded others generates a tremendous force of Positive IMPACT that awakens their Power of Being for everyone to thrive with their being and doing (projects).

When I meet with my fellow co-creators, I set myself in the living from the inside-out; I am present, in the now, open-hearty connecting with them with whoever I am in the moment. I am not afraid anymore to share about me or PiMOV. I just am and flow with their amazing hearts, feeling their humongous potential and getting empowered by servicing them, and nurturing myself through this process.

They are my mirror, and I hope to be theirs.

I am daring to be who I am and create what I love - to show you how you can do the same. Because society needs you!

With lots of love, JEM

#powerofbeing #togetherwearelimitless