jeannette meier

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PiMOV Pill: How do you Practice Purpose?

What is purpose? This would be the first question to this answer. Nevertheless, I have assumed that everyone of us, humans, have one common purpose: To be Who We Are.

To be who you are requires practice. Practice is about sharing and experiencing to learn/unlearn the patterns you made yours throughout life. To practice takes willingness and continuous observation. It is peeling the layers of the onion to discover your Power of Being - Freedom to be who you are and create what you love. It is exploring your inner life to then expand it to the outside, positively impacting through your being.

It is an amazing process that I love to explore day by day through the sharing, mirroring and experiencing with my like-minded others.

I am daring to be who I am and create what I love - to show you how you can do the same. Because society needs you!

With lots of love, JEM

#powerofbeing #togetherwearelimitless