jeannette meier

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Daring to Be: This Little Girl is Me!

I am daring to be who I am and create what I love - to show you how you can do the same. Because society needs you!

This little girl is me... a playful girl around the world with her innocence, always seeing light and love in everyone. 

First, she grew up strong, then slowly converting herself into someone insecure and shy, letting the outside world govern her being. Her seed of love never left her, but she took it as having to hold and adapt to everyone's life but not to her's. 

One day she woke up, at 33. 

She was awakened by the subtle light of her seed deep inside herself. She decided to listen to it, to restart her life by following her wisdom, transforming into a sunflower who follows the light of her power of being and who lives in dignity and respect for herself and everyone else. She understood that:

  • Change starts within;

  • Her wisdom is her guru;

  • She walks her own shoes, not anybody else's

I am thankful for this little girl who courageously re-discovered the love and value for herself.  I am grateful to her for always believing in the limitless potential within everyone, giving her the courage to follow, no matter what, her inner voice when she needed it the most. 

I am proud of her learning and daring to be who she is, valuing everyone's individuality and growing in togetherness for what she believes is the future of society.

Why am I telling you this? Because 70% of girls feel more confident about their futures after hearing from women role models. I encourage all the fabulous women in my network to participate in this campaign by Inspiring Girls International led by Miriam Gonzalez Durantez .


If you resonate with me, join me in PiMOV to explore, experience and practice being who you are in a community that loves, respects and grows with you. Dare to ream big! Learn / unlearn with us to be the Socially-Conscious Leader that you already are.

With lots of love and gratitude, JEM

#thislittlegirlisme #daringtobe #powerofbeing #togetherwearelimitless 🦋♾ #Evolution - #Community - #iMPACT #spirituality #freedom #love