jeannette meier

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Daring to Be: Living from the Inside-Out

I am daring to be who I am and create what I love - to show you how you can do the same. Because society needs you!

When living from the inside-out, from your heart to the outside, you learn to observe your inner and outside worlds to then discover how you respond and behave in relation to your emotions, to your thoughts and to your environment. It enables you to take better decisions to overcome daily challenges by living in conscious awareness.

Connecting with your heart connects you to your inner voice; the one that guides you in your daily experiences to improve your decision making; the one that leads you to respond appropriately to every input that comes to you through your emotions, your thoughts, and your surrounding.

Intuitive Knowing and Oneness are the same when melted through the heart. Yet, intuition and fusion with everyone and everything in the universe doesn't come easily. It requires the continuous observation of what happens inside and outside of you in every given moment, and the understanding and correspondent post-adjustment of how you are responding to each and every input that comes from within you (emotions, thoughts) or from outside of you (people, environment, etc.).

Everything in life takes practice, and so does growing into being who you are. Nothing is impossible, all is available for anyone, if you take the time to explore, feel and practice connecting with the heart. 

Dare to live from the inside-out! Dare to be uniquely you!


If you resonate with me, join me in PiMOV to explore, experience and practice being who you are in a community that loves, respects and grows with you. Dare to ream big! Learn / unlearn with us to be the Socially-Conscious Leader that you already are.

With lots of love and gratitude, JEM

#daringtobe #powerofbeing #togetherwearelimitless 🦋♾ #Evolution - #Community - #iMPACT #spirituality #freedom #love