jeannette meier

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Daring to Be: Be your own Guru

There are no defined steps to follow for you to learn /un-learn to be, other than your own observation and your response to what you are living in the here and now. 

Hence, the importance of living in the moment, flowing with what happens to you, within you and outside of you, at every moment in time. Knowing that you do not know anything, since you are just a student of this life; of your life. You can read many books to support your growth, but none will tell you what to do for you, since your path is uniquely yours.

We've grown up to follow others. The self-help books are there for you to learn and apply techniques that have served the authors. Anyhow, these may serve you as guidance, but will never apply to you in certainty, since the way you grow, cannot be defined by anyone else other than by yourself.

Take a step back and ask yourself where you are blindly following others!

I am daring to be who I am and create what I love - to show you how you can do the same. Because society needs you!

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If you resonate with me, join me in PiMOV to explore, experience and practice being who you are in a community that loves, respects and grows with you. Dare to ream big! Learn / unlearn with us to be the Socially-Conscious Leader that you already are.

With lots of love and gratitude, JEM

#daringtobe  #powerofbeing #togetherwearelimitless 🦋♾ #Evolution - #Community - #iMPACT #spirituality #freedom #love