jeannette meier

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PiMOV Positive iMPACT Talk: What is inside-out living?

This is a conversation that I held with Helena Carrizosa and Mabel Vonk, co-creators of the Positive iMPACT Movement, around the question: "What is inside-out living?"

Inside-out living is tapping into your Power of Being to be and do from there. We've forgotten about our amazing potential by living outside-in, searching outside for the answers and steps to follow, instead of following our own guru within!

Whilst having this conversation, I felt the need for these talks to happen more and not by me, but by others like me. I believe in co-creation, in the immense power that it holds and in the limitless opportunities that it brings along. So, I’ve proposed within our community for any 3 members to join and record a conversation around PiMOV, their experience, its principles and values.

I am hoping to being able to share more conversations with the public, co-created by the PiMOV members through their Power of Being - freedom to be who they are and create what they love!

With lots of love, JEM

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This Conversation is available on our Positive iMPACT Talks podcast:

See this content in the original post

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