PiMOV interview with Patricia Jean Fleming - Do you feel you have found your purpose of life? Why?
I am honoured to have Patricia Jean Fleming co-creating with me the Positive iMPACT Movement. She’s an amazingly beautiful soul who has courageously gone through so many things in life. Her essence is pure light and she is so incredibly humble. I love her. She’s an example for many to follow because she does live her life from the inside-out, learning to follow her guidance day by day, moment by moment, no matter if this is uncomfortable for her. At the end, she knows this will lead her into living heaven on earth, as my friend Martin Rutte would say!
I have lots to learn from her and from everybody within PiMOV. Our connection is so intense, because we connect heart to heart. There’s not a single time when I do not vibrate by sharing space with these amazing beings! I am tremendously in awe for how lucky I am for being surrounded by these beautiful souls who show me what it means to live in integrity for who I am.
With love, JEM
This interview is also available as a Positive iMPACT Talks episode:
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