jeannette meier

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PiMOV Live: Ruben and I introduce the root Simplicity to Manage Complexity™

Every month at PiMOV we have conversations around one of The 7 Roots of Potential™ roots. September is about the root “Simplicity to Manage Complexity™”.

This is a quite interesting root because anywhere in live we need structure. So after having revised the roots of “Ability to Partner™” and “In Service to Something Bigger than Myself™”, both of which were quite internal-directed, now we are expressing/expanding what we’ve learned about ourselves to the outside.

As usual, Ruben and I might talk briefly before starting the chat about what we’ve going to talk, but we never know how the conversation will start or evolve. So, it’s always beautiful to be dancing and following the call to express whatever is to be expressed at the moment in time.

One important point here has also been about the cost of PiMOV’s membership. It might be easy for some people to pay the 125€/year, but for others not. It always depends on your situation, and nothing can ever be generalised.

I hope you enjoy it!

With love, JEM

This conversation is also available as a Positive iMPACT Talks episode:

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