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PiMOV Live: Ruben and I share about Purpose

Ruben and I talk about Purpose, in the sense of being in service to something bigger than yourself, not being it the concept of “purpose” we find in marketing.

Being in service to something bigger than yourself requires to balance out the ego and the service: there cannot be extremes since then, you cannot be in service to your purpose. It’s something that grows from the inside-out. It’s not a goal to accomplish with the aim to do something good. It’s very integrated in you, you don’t know how you will serve, but you know you will surrender to whatever and however you will serve, because it’s not up to you to decide anymore.

We talked about Purpose in relationship to one of The 7 Roots of Potential™ called “In service to something bigger”, which is the topic of this month for our PiMOV community to explore in togetherness.

This conversation is also available as a Positive iMPACT Talks episode:

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