jeannette meier

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PiMOV Live: Ruben and I share about Partnering

Ruben and I shared important aspects of partnering with our own selves, emphasising the importance of being able to  re-invent ourselves in the midst of a society that is calling us, the Socially-Conscious Change Makers, to do so.

I am always extremely delighted to have these type of conversations with Ruben, because through him I am able to connect to myself and flow naturally and transparently. That’s why we say that it’s like dancing together: he guides me and I follow the conversation, doing my turns when I feel it’s time to give it a little twist :)

We will continue dancing once every week. I am really looking forward to all these talks and sharing about who we are and what we do (our Power of Being) in the Positive iMPACT Movement.

This conversation is also available as a Positive iMPACT Podcast episode:

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