jeannette meier

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PiMOV Live: Ruben and I share about "In Service to Something Bigger"

In this LIVE conversation, Ruben and I continue talking about being in service to something bigger than yourself. This is one root of The 7 Roots of Potential™ canvas that we have selected as our community’s monthly topic.

Myself, I have been challenged these days to go out and expose myself as a socially-conscious change maker via a VLOG. This is something that for me is difficult and not easy to do, but I feel that it is something I have been called to do NOW. It is something that is telling me that this is the way to go if I want to continue creating the movement (and for it to grow). So, I believe that being in service to something bigger than yourself is about following your inner guidance that shows you what to do at a certain point in time. I am not aware of where the movement is going and how it will be growing, but I know that following these calls, I will be guided to whatever has to be created. This is something bigger than myself.

This conversation is also available as a Positive iMPACT Talks episode:

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