Your Heart is your Lover
Unsplash by Markus Spiske
Let your heart love
Let your heart be
Learn through your heart
To become Who You Are.
Listen to your heart
For what it has to tell you
Become its lover
Expand your dreams.
For you have come here
To awaken and live
From Who You Are
To where you are.
No need to listen
No need to shout
Just being you with what you came
Wisdom all over you
From the inside-out.
No need to cry
No need to follow
Just listen to yourself
Expanding your being
From the inside-out.
Your heart is your lover
Your heart is your guru
No need to follow anyone
Just your integrity with Who You Are.
Power of inner wisdom
Power of love
Being in union
With yourself and all.
One with the heart
One with the world
In unity and trust
Living and expanding from Who You Are.
With love, JEM