Vulnerability, what does this mean?
Vulnerability, what does this mean?
Is it not being open-hearted and honest?
Why is this so much spoken about?
Shouldn’t it be normal to show yourself as who you are?
Being who you are is being vulnerable, isn’t it?
Is this something to be discussed?
No aspect in life should restrain you from being in honesty and transparency
None shall bother you to be who you are.
Who defines where you'll fit in?
Isn’t it always you?
Any place for you to fit in is for you to decide
What a beautiful world it would be without fear!
But doesn’t it exist already?
Yes, it’s created by you
Love yourself, value yourself, care about yourself.
Everything changes from here
No matter what others say anymore
In integrity and respect for who you are
Respecting the dignity of everybody else.
No more judgement, no more gossiping
What a beautiful world!
Freedom and safety for who you are
Vulnerability as being and doing.
Forgetting about what this is really about
No marketing concept being pushed around
People living open-hearted in truth
And in collaboration for who you are.
With love, JEM