jeannette meier

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Today, I walk Naked

Thank you @pixabay

Looking back into what I have been, and observing who I am today,

I realise the path that I have walked, and that which I have created.

Today, I can strip off of everything, staying naked with that which I am,

In Freedom, in Love, and in Integrity for who I am.

Today, I can tell to the world,

That everything which I have created has been to grow into my Self.

It is that which I am today, that which my persona carries with her,

In value and respect for who she is,

In union with everything and everybody else.

I do not know when I have grown,

Other than realising that I do not know anything,

And that that which I know, is dependent on the path I have walked.

Today, every step I take is in Love, in Uniqueness, and in Co-Creation with everything and everyone.

Today, I walk my path naked, only wearing the "I AM".

With lots of love and gratitude, JEM

#powerofbeing #togetherwearelimitless 🦋♾

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