jeannette meier

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Time is past. Now is time.

Trust in what is to come,

Love what surrounds you,

Conquer what you desire,

For it is to come, if it is done with Love.

Disappear the illusion from you,

It is the Ego that creates the addiction.

None is vital, all is fake,

Constructed by men with the desire to built their castles.

No matter what or who,

It is up to you to dismantle illusion.

Your Power of Being from the center of the Heart out to the world.

Each of you, together, with who you are

.No time to be afraid anymore.

Time is past.

Now is time.

Trust in who you are and in who you are to become.

No matter what they say or invent,

Love will prevail through the Heart of each of you.

Believing in who you are and what you do through the times of the times.