The Spiralling Quest of Positive iMPACT
Thank you Maxime Lebrun @Unsplash
It is a beautiful experience to observe how everything moves around and how we react upon our internal guidance.
We Socially-Conscious Change Makers know that what guides us is our inner live.
We experience and integrate what is happening outside into what we live in our inner world. We know well that what defines us, is the inner peace we find when we are grounded with ourselves. None is easy. It requires a resilient practice and an open heart to receive how everything and everyone affects us around us. But once grounded, even if it is for a short moment in time, we envision the outside world through this experience. We then follow this vision with endurance, adjusting our actions to it, whilst discovering how this change is affecting ourselves and what we are creating.
In this process we are learning to respect ourselves and everybody else. We know that not everybody will understand our discoveries, and we know, that anything someone else decides and acts upon, it's up to them and should not affect us. Nothing relates to us, other than ourselves.
There's a lot that has been going on this month. Many of us Socially-Conscious Change Makers have experienced this inner guidance and have acted upon it. Some of you, have changed the place where you have been living, experimenting an internal growth that is unfolding right before your eyes which will further align you to your Power of Being.
Everything is a spiral, and we Socially-Conscious Change Makers live by this spiralling quest of positive iMPACT, which continues pushing us upwards for what we are to become and create.
With love, JEM