The Oneness of Love

Thanks to Kyle Smith @unsplash

Thanks to Kyle Smith @unsplash


Your knowing cannot be expressed in words

It is for you to treasure and expand

No explanation is valid

No willingness is powerful enough

For you to awaken anybody else.

No right to change anybody’s life

Respect beyond our existence

For you to trust that everybody has a moment in time

To be awaken from their dreams

For them to join you in your knowing.

The mind encapsulates the thoughts

The thoughts limit the heart

Curiosity and observation become not existent

For anyone to open up their perception

To join you in love and oneness.

You know that none can be done by you

Don’t play with your ego ‘cause you know you cannot do

What is for them to discover for themselves

By stepping out of the mind into the unknown

For them to fall into their hearts.

Be the change you want to see

Open up perceptions through your heart

Let your ego vanish when asked

Why are you stepping outside your mind

For them to witness the beauty of love.

Breath deeply and go into your heart

Feel your knowing and potential

Extend your love to those around you

In compassion for what still has to be experienced

In togetherness for the growth of oneness.

Don’t fall into division

Don’t let your mind play the game

Breath deeply and listen with your heart

Embrace everybody in respect and trust

For everybody to feel the oneness of love.

With love, JEM