The New World
Unsplash by Morning Brew
I see a world where society is based on our individual and collective Power of Being. Where no-one is guided by someone else.
I might sound crazy, I know. But this is the change I want to see in this world and I am working on it, resiliently.
Today, I am surrounded by beautiful beings with an amazing light. I wonder why they don’t look into their inside to discover their amazing potential?
They search for their truth in the outside world through guides, courses, and many other things that are being sold to them that deviate them from their own being. We’ve been told to search outside, when in truth, wisdom and growth have always been in our inside. We are our own gurus!
I see a world where:
Our values are strongly set in us; Our work is serving others through who we are and what we love to create, nurturing our souls through this service; Co-creation and co-evolution is in its center; Evolution and iMPACT are connected through the action of collaboration; and we are free to be Who We Are and Create what we Love - our Power of Being!
This is what Socially-Conscious Change Makers like me resonate with.
I feel a strong connection between them and me. I am them, they are me. I feel their strength and willingness to continue evolving and not wanting to stop. I discover their truth through this connection and the increase of collaboration opportunities between us. I see their capacity of listening and respecting themselves, their opening up and understanding that we all are authentically different, their respect and value toward others, their increase in integrity and dignity, in humility and honesty, and in so much beauty and inspiration!
I become a witness of their expansion through their Power of Being.
I might sound crazy, I know. But this is what I observe, feel and envision.
I’ve already started creating this world. Slowly and quietly, from the inside-out, together with others like me.
With love, JEM