“Symphony of Light and Shadow” by Rosie Lê


Artwork by Rosie Lê

Love Letter by Rosie Lê


Thank you, Rosie Lê.

i am in awe of your beautiful soul and the light that shines through your words and brushes.

Thank you for who you are and what you create through your love and uniqueness.

It has been an honor to get to know you and to have been your muse for this beautiful creation

With lots of love, respect, and gratitude,


This artwork resulted from a beautiful co-creation between Rosie Lê and i.

Listen to our co-created conversation on the Leadership CiRCLE Podcast (Apple & Spotify) and visit Rosie's original post on LinkedIn.

#powerofbeing #togetherwearelimitless 🦋♾

#sociallyconscious #leadership