Positively Impacting in Co-Creation
Thanks Judith Girard Marczak @unsplash
I am observing with awe how the Positive iMPACT Movement is creating impact within the community and outside of it. I am a witnessing how its members apply what we together are discovering, learning, experiencing and practicing inside and outside of the community, growing and expanding this movement from the inside-out.
Being who you are is a difficult task since it entails constantly observing your mind and body; their reactions to what happens outside of you. It doesn't stop there, you then observe what happens within you; the thoughts you have, the feelings that emerge, the emotions you get and the actions you take. Then you check upon how the environment reacts to your actions, as well as how you are reacting to yourself. So it continues, from the outside-in to the inside-out, and vice-versa, moment by moment.
Even if it sounds quite stressful, constant observation turns out to be an amazing learning experience of who you are. At a certain point in time, you start doing it naturally; it gets ingrained in you in such a way that you will not want to stop doing it since it's part of your being. The moment you get a glimpse of your potential as a human-being to be in freedom to be who you are and create what you love, your responsibility over you awakens and you will never want to drop that aside. The way you discover this Power of Being is solely dependent on you. No one can show you how to do that, there are no defined steps.
We each are in a different state (not levels!) of growth, each one perceives their lives differently as it should be. No one is to guide anyone other than your own Self. Nevertheless, loving yourself is for everyone to learn on their own pace. If you do so, you'll start opening up to your potential and as many say, to your purpose. However, the purpose of everyone is to be who they are. From there, everything else is discovered, no need to search for it.
In what I've been experiencing, connecting with like-minded others to open-hearty share about yourself and what you are creating (idea/project), facilitates discovery, reflection and integration about who you are. Moreover, if you take the opportunity to go to the edge every time you can by practicing something you've never tried before, this grows your understanding of who you are - this happens because you remain in observation of your inner and outer experience. Hence, the possibility to further expand your positive impact gets increased. The critical factor here is to feel safe and free to do so. This safety can only be generated when you are with people who care about this environment and are equally interested in protecting it via respect and no-judgement toward your individual sharing and what all are experiencing together.
That is why PiMOV is about co-creation: this safety and supportive net can only be generated by the sum of each of its members. What we've been co-learning is almost indescribable but palpable through what we experience, individually and collectively. Looking back, today we have become more who we are than some months ago. This discovery is an infinite spiral that deepens into our beings through the love, value, compassion that we have toward ourselves and everybody else. Through these, we continue growing and expanding this movement from the inside-out, learning in humbleness that we don't know much, trusting in what we are co-creating and being in gratitude for this opportunity to connect, get empowered, inspired and supported to continue growing with like-minded others.
With love, JEM