Living your Life in Freedom to Be
Justice Amoh @unsplash
In gratitude for what you are
In love for what there is
In trust for what you feel
You walk your path with love and faith.
Take advantage of your life
Response to your guides as you walk
Act upon your heart as you listen
Be who you are, no matter what.
Express your being in total freedom
For what you envision and create
No one else will do it for you
The sole doer is you in your life.
Care less about the mind’s chatting
Let go of what could be said of you
Don’t hesitate being you in freedom
No one else will do it better than you.
Everybody is afraid of doing
Everybody listens to their minds
Why should you do the same?
When you know your heart is there for you?
For you to create in integrity for who you are.
Live your life as you would live alone
Loving yourself before anybody else
Then open up to those in front of you
As yourself and no-one else than you
For you to express your love and joy
Of living your life in freedom to be.
With love, JEM