Jumping off the cliff
Thank you Valdemaras @Unsplash
I am here sitting home getting blessed by the love that surrounds me from all the amazing beings who are co-creating with me.
Here I am, listening to myself, words still resonating in me from a dear friend of mine.
Hearing the whisper of what is coming around the corner. Letting go of what is to be left behind. Preparing myself to jump off the cliff, falling into the path that is meant for me to land.
Hearing you out Toti, my friend. Feeling your words as if I would have spoken them. Listening to your love and connection as the amazing beings we are, who follow our truth to become who we are meant to become.
Every day practicing our freedom to be. Discovering amazing possibilities that are shown through our hearts. Living by detoxing from what is being told to us. Enjoying the ride to the unknown by following the heart.
Learning with each step we take about the beauty of living and growing through the discovery of who we are. Day by day, moment by moment. Giving and receiving, no less and no more than what is necessary for us to expand through the beauty of our existence.
Being one with ourselves, in integrity to our being, in love for the world and the human being. One with all, sharing by collaborating through who we are and what we create.
Together we exist, together we create.
Oneness we are, co-existing through our individuality.
What I do, affects you. What you do, affects me.
Freedom to expand in my being, to integrate with your being.
Jumping off the cliff, to together become stronger. Alone, I cannot become. Together, I am.
Follow me into this world. Everybody the same, everyone so unique.
Look inside, feel what I say. No-where to see than inside yourself.
Power of Being in its potential, awaken to follow yourself.
With love, JEM