Freedom - the Force of Creation and Co-Creation
Thanks to @unsplash
What is it that you strive for in life? Freedom. Yes! Being in freedom to be who you are and create what you love.
A while ago I thought that anyone in life had to have a purpose. I was feeling lost since I had not found mine. To be successful you need a Why, isn’t this what we’re told?
Through the years, I found that purpose relies merely in being who you are. This is, being present, respecting your learning and un-learning, staying in observation, walking your own shoes in the pace and way that you solely can do, being in respect to your growth, which cannot be compared with anyone’s else.
Your being is what determines your existence through your doing (thought, feelings and action). You slowly identify what you love to create and you start walking that path, always knowing that you don’t know where it will lead you, that it can change at any point in time and that you will have to adjust your steps to the new horizon that you’ve newly discovered.
When you walk in the present, step by step, you discover freedom. You do not have expectations, you do not have goals, you are not selling yourself to the outside world, you are just living your life in the present, with every gift it brings along for you to continue expanding through your uniqueness and love. It doesn’t matter where you are going, what matters is your freedom to be who you are and create what you love - your Power of Being. There are no steps to follow, there cannot be since there would be no freedom. It is different for everyone in this world.
Once you had a glimpse of what freedom is, you will never want to let it go, never again. You are not able to do so either, because you’ve discovered your existence. There’s no greater force of existence than freedom. This is what strives me every day, no matter what. This has become my purpose, this is me. I cannot divide from it anymore, it is part of who I am, it is who I am.
I have discovered freedom some time ago, and I continue discovering it every day, by myself and through like-minded others in community. We are in responsibility to continue creating ourselves and through it, co-creating in togetherness. Freedom is the source of this creativity. It is the expansion of love and union, through each of the individuals. It is the force that drives the day to day. It cannot be taken away. For freedom will forever stay in those who have discovered it through their Power of Being.
“Creating a painting is nothing, creating a poem is nothing, creating music is nothing compared to creating yourself, creating your consciousness, creating your very being. ~ by OSHO
With lots of love, JEM