jeannette meier

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Focus from the inside-out

I am observing what’s happening around me and I am looking into what I am creating, or better said: what I am co-creating with others like me: the Positive iMPACT Movement.

I observe how it is evolving, what is being created as I leave the members to decide what they want to experience, share and host (maintaining a certain structure to it).

I see a movement that is reinforcing the roots of our inside-out living by Ruben’s The 7 Roots of Potential™ canvas. I see how it is taking force within the community and how the language starts changing into this common language of inner-looking and outside-expression.

I experience the change myself. I see how I’ve been reinforcing my expression of self-leadership when hosting meetings and the community whilst experiencing this looking inward to express what’s happening there and how I want this to project to the outside. I’ve seen a shift in the way I communicate. I’ve learned this through the observation of others doing so, reflecting this to myself and applying it whenever I can.

Coming together in community facilitates this learning, even more, when we all are inside-out focused. We listen and integrate what others communicate into our bodies and then express our thoughts and feelings to the rest in reference to any topic we are sharing in conversation.

I sometimes wonder how this reinforces my project?

I see that by practicing this focus from the inside-out in the sessions we hold in community, my attitude and observation are extended into my day to day, which includes the development of my project. I am working from the inside out, hence, in integrity with who I am. I check if my thoughts are aligned to me and to the purpose of the project, and I put my willingness to act upon them if they are. My project is enhanced through my creativity that gets empowered by what I see and experience in the community, the inspiration I get from others and the way they (we) all thrive to live our lives and develop our creations: from the inside-out.

Surely, we cannot just go one way: we need the outside-in also to be included into our living and into the development of our projects. At the end, we are not living in a cave alone… These outside-in inputs nurture our observation of what happens in our inside world. These experiences are for us to discern if they speak to our truth or not, focusing again from the inside-out, moment by moment, choosing to react and act upon them for our continuous growth and positive impact.

Evolution - Community - iMPACT

With love, JEM