jeannette meier

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Finally the moment is now

Sometimes life moves slower than what I want...

But I’ve learned (and still am learning) to stay calm and trust in what’s to come.

Pushing for things to happen hasn’t brought me what I’d expected,

And, expectations aren’t trustable at all, so I’ve experienced.

I’ve lost time and resources instead.

I’d to learn the hard way to understand that living by being and trusting is the way to go.

Things happen when they have to happen, not before and not later.

And today is such a moment....

Finally the moment is now.

It is an exciting and grateful day.

At YouTooday we’re finally able to present @lifecoachchihuahua

It has taken time to make it happen.

Some despair and nervousness.

Looking back all has been worth....

I hope you’ll love him as much as we do!I trust he’ll bring you interesting takeaways, hints, treats, interviews that highlight the importance of values behind what we humans do:Practical wisdom for curious minds!

With love, Jem