jeannette meier

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Some days ago I checked where I was standing and where I was heading to discover what was holding me back to continue working on my project.

With surprise, I discovered that I had some fears which were keeping me blocked!I now understand the importance of looking into oneself and observe what is happening around us: We create the majority of our situations and we should ask ourselves why we create them the way we do.

Looking into our patterns, attitudes, thoughts and resulting emotions, it gives us the clues we need to understand why we act in a specific way under certain circumstances.

I really was not aware of one specific fear and as soon as I identified it, I understood many of my reactions and actions (or no-actions!).

However, the fear of showing myself, my thoughts and opinions, especially everything concerned to my private life, has always been latent in me.

I fear loosing my privacy and my freedom.

I never liked to share anything about me.

I’ve been quite a hermit on that behalf.

I respect others, and as such, I want the same respect.It is my purpose to create a movement of positive impact making through the connection, inspiration and empowerment of people who live with passion and purpose.

Hence, I consider that it is in my responsibility to show myself to the public and unite and empower the ones like me who follow their purpose and positively transform their communities with who they are and what they do.

So, here I am sharing about myself, exposing my experiences, thoughts and opinions, trusting that all is ok.

At the end, the most important thing is that I respect myself.

If I do so, I will also do it to others, and viceversa.