jeannette meier

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Every day is Love Day

Thank you @pixabay

Today is a beautiful day of Love, as every day

Having the possibility to give and receive

Through your being and doing

From the heart to the world.

Love through who you are

Love through what you give

Love through what you receive

Open-hearted through giving and receiving.

No need to have a special day to be love

Every day is Love day

Every day is for you to grow your Socially-Conscious Leadership

Daring to be who you are and to create what you love.

Loving and valuing yourself

Loving and valuing others

Everyone walking their own shoes

In love and respect for yourself and everyone else.

Join me in the workshop "The Path of Socially-Conscious Leadership" 

To grow your limitless potential and leadership

Through who you already are 

By living from the inside-out

With lots of love and gratitude, JEM