Europa: Another View of History


Introduction to the "Europa: The Last Battle" documentary, a historical investigation.

As i write these lines, i am reminded that everything and our history are illusions.

There are many versions, many perceptions, and many stories that create infinite histories. This is the main point why i am writing this. Nothing is real, and nothing is true or wrong. It is how we perceive our world that creates our reality. Hence, i invite you to watch this documentary with an open heart, knowing that you (we) do not know anything.

You walk in your shoes. i walk in mine. i will always see your life and story from my point of view. i will never experience your life, as it is not mine. i can't see and experience what you see and experience.

This is what happens with the stories we are being told. We live them through our eyes and experience and merely through what we have been taught. We look at them with our beliefs, patterns, family history, etc. They are biased.

This documentary presents another version of reality. It is not the history read in the books. It is a silenced history narrated and documented from another angle.

i invite you to open your heart and crack your mind.

Stay open and watch the documentary.

"Internal sabotage at the end of World War I has devastated Germany, and its new Weimar government is riddled with corrupt men plundering what is left, all while overseeing the destruction of German culture and its social order. After it all collapses, one man manages to turn it all around in just a few short years. When Germany's people begin to prosper and start to live happily, the enemy declares war and seeks to destroy the German people once and for all. The true events surrounding World War II that you were never taught in history class, read about in your school's history books, saw on your television, or ever stumbled upon in a social media feed. And yet, it all happened. Scrubbed from the historical record and lost... until now. And if you try to mention it to anyone, you'll be immediately silenced or thrown in prison."  ~ by Apu Apujasta

Observe your behavior, your thoughts, and your triggers.

Step out of your comfort zone and let yourself be guided into another possible reality.

Remember who you truly are: love, uniqueness, and co-creation.

Watch the documentary here:

With lots of love, respect, and gratitude,


#powerofbeing #togetherwearelimitless 🦋♾

#sociallyconscious #leadership