The Leadership CiRCLE Podcast is a destination for honest, open-hearted, inspiring insights and conversations with people who are their own leaders.

The show explores the path to self-leadership, love, value, and respect for oneself and everyone else to co-create the New Earth together.

A series of conversations between Patricia Jean Fleming and i, jeannette meier, about Socially-Conscious Leadership.

It also includes co-created conversations with other Socially-Conscious Leaders to inspire you.

This is a private series of conversations around Socially-Conscious Leadership for the New Earth.

There is much to share, from love, respect, and in togetherness, because this world belongs to you and to everyone else. It is your responsibility, as it is mine, to co-create the New Earth through Freedom, Love, and Uniqueness.

Join the Leadership CiRCLE to listen and participate in these insightful conversations and to co-create the New Earth!

** You need to join the CiRCLE to watch this series. **